Integrated Business Information Systems: A Holistic View of the Linked Business Process Chain ERP-SCM-CRM-BI-Big Data / Gronwald, Klaus-Dieter - 2nd ed - Switzerland : Springer, 2017 - xvii, 177 p. ; 28 cm.

Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP), Supply Chain Management (SCM), Customer Relationship Management (CRM), Business Intelligence (BI) and Big Data Analytics (BDA) are business related tasks and processes, which are supported by standardized software solutions. The book explains that this requires business oriented thinking and acting from IT specialists and data scientists. It is a good idea to let students experience this directly from the business perspective, for example as executives of a virtual company. The course simulates the stepwise integration of the linked business process chain ERP-SCM-CRM-BI-Big Data of four competing groups of companies. The course participants become board members with full P & L responsibility for business units of one of four beer brewery groups managing supply chains from production to retailer.


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